Ok yes, once AGAIN I am praising Aldi... and the Spanish.
While dragging the trolley this afternoon during my weekly shop at my new favourite supermarket, I was convinced my eyes were playing tricks on me when I stumbled across a white box with the words "Gluten Free" smack in the middle of it. A gaze north of the title were images of devine-looking chocolate chip cookies, made in Spain.
EVEN better news? They're dairy-free. I almost cried with joy. I think I made some sort of noise. Maybe it was a happy whimper.
I'm even HAPPIER to report that they are EGG-FREE and NUT-FREE. Yes, you read right. I was immediately thrilled for my sister whose eldest son is highly allergic to both egg and nuts and resolved to share the news with her quickly. I was instead side-tracked by opening the box immediately and stuffing my face with them while I was packing bags at the Aldi 'bag-packing section'. No doubt, she'll read about it here.
Oh, happy days.
Each cookie only has 1.2g of fat and 1.4g of sugar per cookie. Granted, they are little cookies, but I had about six and didn't feel bloated or like a gluttonous cow afterwards. Dunked in warmed rice milk (or soy) and - yum.
While I'm on the subject of heavenly choc-chip cookies, I should also mention that Leda Nutrition - - also makes a heavenly gf/df choc-chip cookie although I can't remember if they're egg or nut free. I bought them from "About Life" organic supermarket/cafe in Rozelle.
Freedom Foods make choc-chips cookies too, but they're way too soft and many experienced cookie-philes could mistake them for being out-of-date. They need to find the crunch gene and work on them a bit.
They now have stiff competition.
They say Spain is the country of love. I have officially fallen head over heels for their biscuits.
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